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Admission/Registration Open for 10+1 and 10+2 students. Special Scholarship for Amritdhari students.
Department of Geography


Geography is a field of science devoted to the study of landscape, people, places and environment. It is quite simply about the world on which we live geography is unique in bridging the human geography with physical geography. Geographers address important questions concerning environmental change, economic development, globalization, human population growth, migration, land –use change and geo politics. Physical geography is the study of earth’s seasons, climate, atmosphere, soils, streams, land forms and oceans but human geography is the study of distribution of networks of people and cultures on the earth’s surface.
The department of geography is running efficiently from last so many years. Geography is an elective subject. Its aim is to provide proper knowledge about the earth surface. At present, 80 students enrolled in this subject.

Faculty Profile

  • Ms. Navjotpreet Kaur, M.Sc (Geography), M.ed, B.Ed
  • Specialization :Geological Sciences
  • Email :[email protected]
  • CV : View

Courses Offered

Name of course Subject No of Seats
B.A Geography Open

Activities of The Department

  • Seminars conducted by the experts.
  • Provide practical knowledge
  • Survey conducted every year on population
  • Map analysis