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Admission/Registration Open for 10+1 and 10+2 students. Special Scholarship for Amritdhari students.
Department of Music


Department of music was established in the year 1970 and is serving the students to expand their proficiency till date. The value of music as an academic subject lies in the contribution to enjoyment and enrichment, for its social benefits, for those engage in music seriously as well as for the fun. Music education develops the creative capacities for lifelong success.

Music education in our department nurtures such habits within students that are essential for success in today’s global, knowledge-based economy in the following ways:

  • Sharpens students’ attentiveness.
  • Equips students’ to be creative.
  • Supports better study habits and self-esteem.

Faculty Profile

Vision and Mission of the Department

Our vision is to enable children from rural background to have the opportunity to learn to sing, to learn a musical instrument and to have the opportunity to progress to the next level of excellence.

Our mission is:
  • To consider how to make use of the curriculum for the benefit of the students.
  • To recognize the important role that music play in students’ academic and social development and in improving the ethos of the college.
  • To develop such skills among students so that they can shape their career in this field in a planned manner.
  • Duty of college prayer.
  • Duty of kirtan on the path ceremony of the college in the starting of the session.
  • Duty as a member in the admission committee.
  • Performing duty as a judge in Shabad, Geet/ Lokgeet competitions organized by PSEB on the district/state/zone level.
  • To prepare all the students for the musical activities which will be held in the area.
  • To prepare the students for youth festival for zonal and inter zonal for various musical items.

Participation of Students

Participation of students in extra curriculum activities::
  • First prize in lok geet at the zonal level during September 2014
  • First prize individual in kali at the zonal level during September 2014.
  • Second prize in shabad at the zonal level during September 2014.
  • Second prize in folk orchestra at the zonal level during September 2014.
  • Third prize in geet at the zonal level during September 2014.
  • Third prize individual in group song at the zonal level during September 2014.
  • Third prize individual in kavishri at the zonal level during September 2014.
  • Third prize individual in folk orchestra at the zonal level during September 2014.
  • First position in shabad organized by Punjab school education board at the district level during August 2013-14, 2014-15.
  • First prize in shabad at the zonal level during September 2015.
  • First prize individual in shabad at the zonal level during September 2015.
  • Third prize in group song at the zonal level during September 2015.
  • Third prize in folk song at the zonal level during September 2015.
  • Third prize in folk orchestra individual at the zonal level during September 2015.
  • First prize individual in vaar at the zonal level during September 2015.
  • First position in kavishri in Fatehgarh Sahib and second prize in vaar singing at the same venue.