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Admission/Registration Open for 10+1 and 10+2 students. Special Scholarship for Amritdhari students.
Department of Political Science


Political Science is very old and important subject. Most of the people donot make any distinction between Political science and politics. The political Science is concerned with political principal whereas politics is concerned with political activities. The study of Political Science is more important. It broadens the outlook of an individual and enables them to understand day to day problems. It makes an individual a perfect citizen which is a need of time. In brief, we can say that Political Science is a social science which is concerned with the state and government and with the political activities of the individuals living in the state.
The department of Political science started in 1972 with small number of students. Ms. Sneh Lata and Ms. Madhu Bala made good efforts to strengthen the department. The department is concerned about the overall intellectual growth and development of the students. The result of our department is around 100% from the beginning stage to till date. Our department organized extension lectures, seminars to provide a valuable knowledge to the students.

Faculty Profile

Courses Offered

Name of course Subject No of Seats
B.A Political Science Open