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Admission/Registration Open for 10+1 and 10+2 students. Special Scholarship for Amritdhari students.
B.Voc. Medical Lab Technology

  B. Voc. Medical Lab Technology

Undergraduate Program: 

B. Voc. MLT – Three years program with multiple exits 

Advanced diploma in MLT- Two years program with multiple exits

Department: Biotechnology

Program Overview:

B. Voc. and Advanced Diploma in Medical Laboratory Technology is running under the NSQF scheme of UGC. 

The course provides multi-level skills for medical laboratories especially in the field of collecting, processing, and analysing biological specimens. The key components of the program deal with principles and practices of quality assessment for all major areas: clinical biochemistry, hematology, immunology, microbiology, and various lab testing techniques practised in the contemporary clinical laboratory. The course also offers mandatory summer training in hospitals and reputed labs for real-time exposure to the sector. 

The department has faculty of highly qualified teachers who are working in thrust areas of MLT. The labs are furnished with the latest equipment worth more than Rs.10 lacks which includes: CBC Machine, Electrolyte Analyzer, Autoclave, Laminar hood, Centrifuge, Incubator, Micropipettes, Colorimeter and many more. For holistic development of learner’s field visits, seminars, workshops and on the job training are organized by the department.


The objective of the course is to impart hands-on skill-oriented to the health care sector by making proficient lab technicians so that they can earn their livelihood in diagnostic labs and hospitals near their native places as well as in the global market.

Job Opportunities:

The course has huge potential for employment generation for youth.  

  • The job prospects in hospitals and diagnostic labs after completing the course are as
    • phlebotomist
    • lab technician
    • Lab analyst
    • Laboratory manager/Consultant
  • Additional opportunities are available in molecular diagnostics, molecular biotechnology companies and in vitro fertilization laboratories as well as in research labs. 
  • After completing master in the field, the students are eligible for teaching jobs in paramedical college. 
  • Self- employment by opening personal diagnostic lab.

Fees (Annual):


Program Highlights (curriculum wise):

  • Knowledge of analytical laboratory testing techniques
  • Basic and Advance knowledge of Clinical Biochemistry 
  • Basic and Advance knowledge of Clinical Microbiology
  • Sensitization to Blood Banking and Infection Control
  • Soft-skill and personality development
  • Summer trainings


 Ms. Arti Sharma, HOD & Asst. Prof. in biotechnology 

Contact us at: 

Mobile Number: 7888794602

Email id:[email protected]